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3 years ago
Hello all
Im relatively new to the game and only started a few days ago. I found the game very fun and started playing. However, i though it would be a good idea to log on on my iPhone and it started displaying an error claiming I've been banned. I tried logging in on my computer but it still came up. Is there any way to recover my account. I've done nothing wrong and would like to continue to play this game. :( My name is Defence101.

Edit - don't answer this, i've seen the posts tell us not to rant about it - sorry that i didn't see that earlier...
2 comments share
Smoggy    3 years ago
so youve been banned for making multi account , you can only play on 1 device and use only 1 account thats why youve been banned , contact MrburnZZ #4399 on discord to ask to be unbanned
Defence101    3 years ago
Please do not answer this, i've seen the posts tell us not to rant about it - sorry that i didn't see that earlier...
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