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4 years ago
Chat Commands:

/8ball <question> - Ask The Magic 8 Ball
/avatar - Displays Your Avatar In Chat
/bdown <msg> - Animation: Slide Down and Bounces Back
/bleft <msg>- Animation: Slide Left and Bounces Back
/blue <msg>- Blue Text
/bright <msg>- Animation: Slide Right and Bounces Back
/bup <msg>- Animation: Slide Up and Bounces Back
/cmods <amt>- MiniGame: Bet CMODS on slots WARNING: THIS LOSES CMODS
/decrypt <encrypted msg>- Decrypt a Encrypted String
/dice - Minigame: Free Dice Rolls
/dm - Manage Direct Messages (also /w)
/down <msg>- Animation: Slide Down
/easythere - Sends: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
/encrypt <msg>- Encrypts a String
/fakepac <amt>- Sends a Fake Bitcoin Packet
/fakeslots - Sends a Fake /slots Win
/fakewhisper - Sends Orange Italicized Text
/flip - Send (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
/gigantic <msg>- Larger Text
/giphy <keywords>- Sends a Giphy Image Based On Keywords
/green <msg>- Green Text
/hardtocase <msg>- Randomly Cased Text
/hardtoread <msg>- Smallest Text
/help - Lists The Help Discord Links
/hidden <msg>- Transparent Text
/huge <msg>- Large Text
/ip - Sends your IP into chat (any form of ip i.e /iphone /iplayed will do the same)
/ittybitty <msg>- Smaller Text
/leet <msg>- Sends Leet Text
/left <msg>- Animation: Slide Left
/lenny - Send ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
/lrotate <msg>- Animation: Rotate and Slide Left
/magbow <msg>- Magic Rainbow Message
/magic <msg>- Magic Message
/me <msg>- Sends a 3rd Person Style Message
/nacho - Nacho Libre Image
/played - Sends Your Total Seconds Played Into Chat
/poker <amt>- MiniGame: Bet REP On Poker WARNING: THIS LOSES REP!!
/rainbow <msg>- Rainbow Message
/red <msg>- Red Message
/reverse <msg>- Reverse a String
/right <msg>- Animation: Slide Right
/rotate <msg>- Animation: Rotate
/rrotate <msg>- Animation: Rotate and Slide Right
/rs <msg>- Right To Left Text
/sdown <msg>- Animation: Slide Down and Stick
/selfderotate <msg>- Animation: Rotate and Self Destruct
/selfdestruct <msg>- Self Destructing Message
/shrug - Sends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
/sleft <msg>- Animation: Slide Left and Stick
/slots <amt>- MiniGame: Bet REP On Slots WARNING: YOU LOSE REP!!!!
/small <msg>- Small Text
/sright <msg>- Animation: Slide Right and Stick
/sup <msg>- Animation: Slide Up and Stick
/train - ASCII Train
/up <msg>- Animation: Slide Up

Additional Features:

-Additional text formatting:
^ before and after will ^italicize text^
* before and after will *bold text*
~~ before and after will ~~strikethough~~
^^ before and after will ^^underline^^

-You can paste most youtube links to display a youtube video.

-As well as imgur gifs, jpgs, pngs - as long as the url ends in the filetype (ie: https://imgur.com/asdf.gif, or asdf.jpg or asdf.png)

-Also Forum Posts, like this one, copy/paste the link into chat for special formatting.

-Also DDoS Stats & Whois Stats get special formatting when pasted into chat.

-Drag and Drop files from HDD to Chat to display them.

-Anything else I missed? Comment and I'll add it!

7 comments share
hello112    4 years ago Stickied!
how do u do that :(
xiao_yu    3 years ago
Steel_Titan    4 years ago
Tips for you all:

/leet Show me the way
User1888    1 year ago
HACKSMITH007    3 years ago
Thank You So Much Love it
anonymus_jr    4 years ago
Steel_Titan    4 years ago
How about the chat command that turns letter A -> 4 and E ->3
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