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2 years ago
9 comments | share |
I got banned for saying the n word made the mistake of making an alt will I ever get unbanned
i joined the server, sent the same message again, got no help whatsoever, and decided to copy this game and give no credit, you cant do anything to me if you never know where to start.
and the fact I EXPECTED this since all moderation I ask for help from, if you don't understand then here's a detailed list as to why I dislike moderation so much.
*Only accept messages from friends or members of the server they moderate and never accept friend request for actual help. *Are rarely online and when they are they completely ignore me. *Ban and/or block people for nothing and when they do give a reason it's always vaguer than an actual riddle. *Never give actual help and just make excuses or actively try to get people who just want help banned. |
tried sending them both a message but surprise surprise it didnt work since i need to SHARE A SERVER OR BE FRIENDS WITH THEM. this game is seriously starting to seem less fun by the second.
how am i supposed to do so when i need to type help in GAME CHAT, which means i need to be unbanned to do so, and in the "if you got banned" post there is no server link, so how am i supposed to do any of this if the only ways to get into the discord requires not being banned?
oh i wasn't justifying it. i was just citing your stats.
go to discord and try to raise it to the mods attention if you feel things were done unjustly. |
i did stop spamming chat and how is a whois justifying a ban
Username: halogreenman
Played: 65,126 seconds CPU: 11,994,764,641.50 mhz Network: 41,946,030.28 mbps HardDrive: 36,753,057.87 gb |
you spammed the chat dude!!!