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3 years ago
DISCLAIMER: This tutorial is mainly made for Grey hats and works best for round 1! :)

1) make sure you have a Malware creator ( Malware Creator Microsoft (1.0) -> OR alien malware creator (25.0) Google -> )
2) make 25 cloud viruses lvl 1.0 or below ( Make cloud <NAME> <LEVEL> )
3) make an alias for each of the 25 clouds Example: alias 1 ul cloud1 and alias 11 rm cloud1 (For the first 9, you may have to use ulid)
4) find a player IP to use
5) ul the 25 clouds
6) rm the 25 clouds
7) repeat steps 5-6

And, bam!
Thats how to get 625 points every other minute! :)
IF you want to use this strategy during round two of Faction wars, you would need to use 20 clouds per Player IP instead.

FYI: With a high enough CPU and network, it should take less than 30 seconds to upload all the clouds and approximately 90 seconds to remove all the clouds.
-=Happy Hacking! <3=-
2 comments share
pix    3 years ago
Lies and slander.
Guacamole    3 years ago
takes 0 seconds for me to upload. like legit. i just type the letters in 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklz' as my aliases. 20 clouds. and when i look up. all the tasks are ready :hue:
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